Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Starting today!

OK so this is all new for me but, I saw my sister create a blog... So I wanted to too... I always felt like I wanted to journal but, found myself doing other things with my time at night and now this is just to easy not to. So I guess I should start with who I am and what I do. I am 37 years old and a mother of (just about 2 year old ) triplets.. Yes toddler triplets -... My life was completed when I knew I was pregnant with them.. I am married to my best friend and the one and only person that knows me all to well, Joe. We have been married for 9 years come the 7th... Next year is our big 10... We hope to be in Vegas for it... Ok so since today is my first day I shall start with what I did today. Got up with one trip at 4:40 for a bottle some cuddling and back to bed. Only to get up with another at 5:45 to start my day. Changed diapers, gave bottles, made pancakes, cleaned up kitchen. Followed this up with some Sesame Street and then off to do laundry. From there played some games, read some books, off to bed for a nap, the kids not me. Cleaned up the house made the bed, took my shower got bags packed for the day. Kids up around 10:45 to 11, got them changed and headed out to get wipes at the Wallymart. Off to the park to blow off some energy... Swung on swings with them did some slides as well... Stop in the park office, saw the snakes, bees, guinea pigs and Bunny.. THE kids favorite... Packed back in the car and to my Dad's for lunch for 1. PB and fluff, apples and some juice. Pretzels on the side with no hummus today. My mom came home at 1:45 and I left for work at 1:50. My mom and Dad watch them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Got to work organized my desk since I had not been there since Thursday. It was a mess but a do able mess. Chatted a bit with my cube mate during coffee break and filed away. Left at 6 to meet my family at my Dad's, you see in my family, we due a family night dinner every week, it was on Wednesday but now it has been changed to Tuesdays... I am the youngest of 5 children which means, my parents us 5, our significant others and the 15 grandchildren between us all... Now that does not include my Sunday sitter and my fathers cousin that are regulars as well. We will get into that later. Ate, packed up kids, made some bottles dropped off my sister.. Got home, put them down, worked on my jewelry business and now I am blogging... Oh and its 10:30 p.m... OK i think that's it for now but I will get into each one of my many parts in the next ones. Good night all !