Tuesday, October 27, 2009


For the first time in a long time I took a nap on Sunday. I think this is why I love the Fall so much, it is really the one time of the year when you can sit back and just relax. I don't feel like if I am not outside i am missing some good sun and warm weather time, and its not snowing so I am not missing out on sledding and snow angels yet. Its a great time to sit back relax and start the cleaning out of your life. That's right I said it, time to clean out the old and find all those missing items. In the last week or so i have lost so many things in this house and today I have not found them all. I just started cleaning and moving things around getting through all the piles. AND you know what piles i mean, the ones that you make all year round and just let them sit. NOW is the time to clear them out. So far i have cleaned out 2 closets upstairs, 1 down stairs and most of the garage. Andi it feels great. Its a perfect time to use that extra hour you might get in a day and get rid of the clutter. FEELS GREAT. And with it the kids are great. I got them some new toys at that tag sale and let me tell you they are loving them. I got them a lawnmower and a vacuum cleaner push toy. IT's like Christmas right now in my house, The boys are going nuts pushing htem all around the house and having so much fun. Cassidy on the other hand loves to help her momma out. She loves helping me put things away and organize things. She definatly gets that from me and not her Dad.. ANyway if you get nothing done this weekend clean out a closet you will feel great and so satisfied. Enjoy the new space. Have a great one!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Second wish

OK so after I blogged I figured it out. I wished another wish and it came true. While taking a shower before work I wished I won the Halloween basket from the raffle at work being pulled at that time and sure enough I won it... That's right a huge basket full of fun Halloween stuff and candy. It was great. I got out of the shower and got a call from my friend saying I won... SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so that was Friday and after work I went to set up for my Mom's of Multiple tag sale going on in Norwalk. Twice a year the club I belong to put together a tag sale so you can get rid of all your stuff that your kids grow out of and purchase all goods from other moms and their hand me downs.. So I got there and set up my stuff and check out the goods. So many things i wanted to get, i was determined to get there early and get first dibs. Well i got there on time but not early enough and didn't get anything that i wanted. All the other moms were in line before me and got the goods... Now I am going to get on the committee so I will have first dibs on the goods... Also on Thursday night I had a crazy dream where everyone was looking for Jesus and i ended going into a Church and found him as soon as I got in there. he was sitting with my Dad's first cousin who was protecting him, he was a little sick and she said something to me but I could not remember that part of it. Dreams are so crazy for me. I have so many at night and all so vivid and so meaningful. I didn't dream for awhile now I have been dreaming vividly every night. My husband thinks I am crazy sometimes with them but i think its all a processes that i am heading for.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Have to Blog more...

So many new things going on... In the last 24 hours I found out a friend of mine is separating from her husband and my BFF's BFF lost her mother. I am still waiting on all the details at this time but I can't believe the tragedy that unfolds around me. On my hand I had a great day... Its amazing how we live our lives day by day but yet each and every moment of the day changes so rapidly. I would be crushed if I was separating from my husband simply crushed. Yet my friend is taking it so well, it has changed her. I only talked to her because she lives in another state but the sound her voice told me she was doing great. I can't believe it, she is totally changing everything in her life and with a smile. NOW that is courage and stregnth. And the other side a girl I know very well lost her mother today. I would die... JUST die, but from what i have heard today she is doing well. Her mom was going in to get a test on a lump they found on her lungs and was taken off her blood thinning medicine and they think she had a blood clout. The friend just said her mom probably was going to be diagnosed with lung cancer and it would be terrible for her to go through with it so she passed in a much easier way. Imagine looking at the silver lining in both horrid situations and these ladies did. IT only proves women are so STRONG! As for my day its Thursday and its library day. The kids were great today, they interacted so much it was unbelievable and now we take next week off to start another LIB session the week after, so bummed we wont have it next week. Hopefully it will be nice like today so we can go to the park during those times. And when it resumes they will pick right up with the social skills they had today. Ok now i have some food for thought. Did you ever wish out loud and get that exact wish??? I did, since the trips don't sleep through the night, I never get a good night sleep and so I always feel drowsy. Yesterday I wished out loud to one of my co-workers that I can just get 6 hours of sleep without interruption and last night that is exactly what I got. I made my way to bed at 9:30 and did not hear anything until I woke up at 3:30. I couldn't believe it, I slept for 6 straight hours with no one waking up. Then of course after I peed and got some water all hell broke out. Well not really only Bruno go up and needed some water too. But still one got up. Just for a brief time but still that one up is enough. But really I fished my wish... so fun. So for today I wish all out loud wishes to come true that are do able, and for the women around me to stay as strong as the ladies I discussed. Good night...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Family Dinner

Well its Tuesday night and its family night. I work till 6 and then meet the family at my parents for dinner... Everyone is there and tonight we have some visitors. The priest that married my husband and I was there and his 2 sisters, plus a nun that was at our church while Father Smith was there too. So tonight was a fun dinner. Joe and Bruno were not feeling well but they made it through. Over all it was a easy going day, and now.. I am watching Hell's Kitchen, it is the only TV show I will watch. You must know I am not a fan of TV but this show I can't get enough of and right now I am seeing who is going to win the show. Can you believe it.. Finding out your future by opening a door... Its is so unbelievable. Some days that's what I would like to open a door and see my future. I mean everything you think is going to be changed as you turn a door knob. AS it goes I know where I will be with my kids and family but other then that I have no idea. Does anyone? Will you ever know what the future brings and if so, who are you? Some days I do love to live day by day but others I just want to know what it will all bring. AND that is why I truly believe in "Everything happens for reason" If you say that statement after any episode that happens in your life it is an truly understandable. If we look at our past, and put each episode that occurred into a timeline you will see that your present is on track to where it should be. Which only makes you wonder what you do today is a path that will put you on the right street in the future... good night bea well!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

A great fall Monday...

Another world wind day in the life of triplets... Joe was home this morning but he got to sleep in because I am such a great wife and I let him... Any way he left at 10 the rest of us left at 10:15. Stopped to get air in the tire, which I just did last week but the light went on again this time for a different tire. Can't the van just let me do it all at once, I mean I was just there last week, it should have told me i needed it in 2 tires not just one... Got to my Dad's in time to see an old friend of his and his daughter drop of bags of Apples, like 5 or 6 bags of apples they had just picked. So very nice of them. We got a bag of McIntosh the kids favorite, or I should say my fav. Anyway off to Library, today is coloring and story reading and puppet playing with a few songs in between. Today my Dad's old friend Mario's wife was there with her Grand children. He laughed with her on how the late Mario would have loved going to library as much as my dad secretly does. I think it gets him sad to reminence, to remember old friends that have pasted. He doesn't say it but I know it does. OK enough mush for right now, the kids were great during today's class they all joined in. Brunzo was a bit tired but he played right along except for coloring time, he just wanted to play no coloring for him. Today we colored squirrels it was all about them today. (Which my dad happened to say he just trapped a few that morning.) Today's pictures went to Kay Kay,my nieces, who was going back to college. She nannies them in the summer. Back to my Dad's but not for lunch just to drop off. Left and went home to have a snack and put the kids to bed. My other niece Mary came over to sit while i went to work for a bit. Today is Columbus day and she had off, so I went in. Got some stuff done but nothing to big. Came home and took the kids to my favorite spot, its called the Greenway, well that's what i call it. It is a 3.5 trail along the river in town, and i love it. Usually I run it and my Dad pushes the kids on the top part of it, but today it was just us and we do the whole walk. It was cold but worth it. We didn't see any animals today but that was ok we sang the whole time. We sometimes see rabbits, and turtles but we always see, ducks and birds and of course planes. Which Brody can spot way out in the distance I swear he has radar about planes. BUT today the only animal we saw were birds, that's it just birds... Came home had some burgers, did some laundry, played some games and read a book. Washed up and right to bed at 7, they were done, especially since they had no afternoon nap. It worked out perfect. I made stew from Joe's bear he got last year and it came out delish. I was suppose to go to kick boxing with my sister-in-law Donna but she called and cancelled because she was feeling kinda of sick. No sweat off my shoulders, I didn't have to get a sitter and I got to clean up and do more laundry. It all worked out well. Ended the day with getting some winter clothes out for the kids to wash, and started to put away my summer things. All in a days work. Thats it for today, its 11 and i am done. Now if the kids sleep through the night and my husband stops snoring next to me it will be a wonderful night to sleep.. Sweet dreams and Goodnight...

Friday, October 9, 2009

What a Week...

OK so it was a great week... Let see Monday I was off from my PT job which I will be off now until June on mondays no sitter , so excited, lets see what did me and the trips do... Got up, did the norm, watch Sesame Street, laundry, get dressed or not, took our nap. Only on Monday I had to take Miss Cassi coo to the Dr's, she has had this terrible diaper rash for awhile now so I just had to take her in. In which the Doc said to put more on the prescription medicine on and she would be fine, if not call him back. I swear once I say I am going to do something like take her in finally and do it, the rash goes away. So many times this happens, when I say something out loud it happens... Anyway 4 days now and no rash, I will knock on wood now. Then it was Library time almost, the appointment was at 10 got out at 10:10 while my Dad stayed in the van with the boys, and then had to drop off my computer to work before Library at 11. So we did a run to work and back just in time for Library. Mondays for us now are new at Library class this season, last season we just did Thursday, now we do both days. Mondays session is a bit different from Thursdays class but equally as fun. We color and do more songs and puppets, then Thursday which is mostly singing and dancing. So from Lib we decide to trek to Middlebury for the livestock auction. Dad wanted to talk to his farmer friend and the kids had to take a nap so it all worked out. We got there, he got boxes of veggies, kids slept, it all worked out smoothly. On the way home we stopped at Lyman Orchards, I had to get some apples, how can you resist during this time of year to stock up on some apples... Got back into town, had lunch at Dad and came home. Joe was here so it was a great afternoon to spend with family. Put kids down for their second nap and spent some quality time with my man. Lets go into Tuesday... Got up same routine, SS, laundry, breakfast, clean up, play time and down for nap. Only on Tues when they go down for a nap its my day to clean... Clean floors, bathroom, bedroom, the good clean well at least 2 hours of uninterrupted time to do housework from the kids. Now on Tuesdays I go in to the office for 2 and my parents watch the trips. Today we go to my Dad's a little earlier and go for an adventure... We walk to the neighbors and pick chestnuts... the trips had a blast. As soon as we got there they figured it out and started collecting them, and let me tell you they are tough on your hands if you get pricked by the outer shell. Only Brody hit one and it was a brief cry then off to get some more for the basket. It worked out well... what a fun trip down the road, I mean I am so happy my kids are getting to do these things that I have to say not to many people out there do. Livestock auctions, Library, picking chestnuts, what fun. Now lets talk about Tuesday night dinners... I will get into my PT job later on. On Tuesdays we have family dinner, now this is something I know families around here just don't do, I am very blessed to come from a family who loves spending time together. Anyway, every Tuesday night (used to be Weds) my parents put out dinner for my family and my brothers and sisters families as well. We all either sit outside on the porch in the summer or in the dinning room in the fall winter. In fact last Tues was our first or second night inside since April or May. Just getting to sit around and have dinner with everyone once a week is such a fantastic time. And the kids love it, they get to hang out with their cousins at least once a week if not 3. Each week there are anywhere from 5 people to 25, its a wonderful experience that i am so grateful the trips will grow up having. We will go into the rest of the week tomorrow, Joe is snoring next to me on the couch, and as I blog Notting Hill is running another tab. Life is great when you take the time to check out all your blessings!!!! Enjoy the night be back soon...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday... almost the weekend

Tough night last night the kids were up all night... Got up at 8 so that was a great morning for us all even thought the overnight was not so great. Joe off to work and the kids and i up and doing are morning routine... Today is Library so nap was out since we got up at 8. Had breakfast, laundry, bathed, changed and out the door by 10:30. Picked up old Nonno (my Dad) and went to Library class for 11. Over 20 kids today so it was busy day there, Bruno however did not participate so much, only sat on Nonno's lap and clapped after each routine. Brody went through the tunnels again today and Cassi only got through half way and turned around. Cassi had to bring in both dollies today and that caused a bit of a ruckus for the class. One little girl who always comes over to see what Cassi has, wanted to switch dolls, she took one of Cassi and gave her back her own doll. Then the bigger of the ruckus was the little boy who wanted the doll to carry around and love but his Dad was not very happy about that. Oh well its just a doll... After library went to my Dads for some lunch but since the trips didn't have a nap I sent them to bed for a nap. After much to do about nothing they settled down. I sent my Dad up to watch TV while they slept and until my mom got there from work. I was then off to work. Another busy day at the office. Lots of filing and getting set up for the new month. You see I have been with the company for 14 years now and work on all the companies contracts. So once month end hits I have to change it all over to the next month and file things accordingly. That was today's job since its now the 1st of October. October I cant even believe it, this is our anniversary month and i believe the second best month of the year, April being the best month of the year. So this will make it 9 years for me and my man and its been great so far. Fall is on its way and that is also my favorite season, I love the change of leaves and the crisp mornings, apple picking and the best Pumpkin time. Last year i got one great shot out of 75 of the trips in the pumpkin patch, this year it better be better then that. We went apple picking last weekend and out of 30 or so shots we got one good one. They are getting better but really its not so fun when they don't cooperate. But what can I expect for 3 toddlers. Speaking of the toddlers i got my update today online on how at 22 months they should be, it stated they should start to play with others. Well taking them to library twice a week you think i would see some interaction going on. I think that's the thing with triplets they have each other and really don't and cant be bothered by playing with others. They have each other, they always have 2 best friends with them, so why socialize more at this time. Imagine that, going through life with always having 2 best friends by your side. Now that is something to be happy about. Anyway the post said don't be surprised if they don't notice you when other kids are around they are just to busy socializing, well that is defiantly not the case with the 3 of them, they are always by my side and just play along with each other. However i do have to admit that Cassi is a huge helper in class she loves to get whatever the teacher is passing out and makes sures that all items that have been handed out or handed back in. She is getting on so well with her manners. Boys are just as good when asked or told but she just does it on her own, its amazing to watch them grow and learn each day. Tomorrow is Friday and I go to work in the afternoon again. We are going to try to hit the farmers mark in town, in the morning, so I am pretty fired up for that. I cant wait to see what they have to offer. Keep posted. Oh and i started using home made deodorant today, my sister made it from scratch and so far so good. Smells really good to, very earthy. Next I want to see about making homemade lotion.